Bibliographie de l'Écureuil gris

Bertolino, S., 2008. Introduction of the American grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in Europe: a case study in biological invasion. Current science 95, 903-906.

Bertolino, S., 2009. Animal trade and non-indigenous species introduction: the world-wide spread of squirrels. Diversity and Distributions 15, 701-708.

Bertolino, S., Currado, I., Mazzoglio, P.J., Amori, G., 2000. Native and alien squirrels in Italie. Hystrix 11, 65-74.

Bertolino, S., Genovesi, P., 2003. Spread and attempted eradication of the grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in Italy, and consequences for the red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in Eurasia. Biological Conservation 109, 351–358.

Bertolino, S., Genovesi, P., 2005. The application of the european strategy on invasive strategy on invasive alien species: an example with introduced squirrels. Hystrix It. J. Mamm. 16, 59-69.

Bertolino, S., Lurz, P.W., Sanderson, R., Rushton, S.R., 2008. Predicting the spread of the American grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in Europe: a call for a co-ordinated European approach. Biological Conservation 141, 2564-2575.

Bertolino, S., Lurz, P.W.W., Rushton, S.P., 2006. Prediction of the spread of the American grey squirrel from Italy into adjacent countries. European Squirrel Initiative, UK, p. 69.

Bowers, M.A., Breland, B., 1996. Foraging of gray squirrels on an urban-rural gradient: use of the GUD to assess anthropogenic impact. Ecological Applications 6, 1135-1142.

Bremner, A., Park, K., 2007. Public attitudes to the management of invasive non-native species in Scotland. Biological Conservation 139, 306-314.

Bryce, J., Johnson, P.J., Macdonald, D.W., 2002. Can niche use in red and grey squirrels offer clues for their apparent coexistence? Journal of Applied Ecology 39, 875-887.

Dagnall, J., Gurnell, J., Pepper, H., 1998. Bark-stripping by gray squirrels in state forests of the United Kingdom: a review. In: M.A. Steele, J.F. Merritt, D.A. Zegers (Eds) Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Tree Squirrels. Virginia Museum of Natural History, Special Publication 6, 249-261.

David-Gray, Z.K., Gurnell, J., Hunt, D.M., 1998. DNA fingerprinting reveals high levels of genetic diversity within British populations of the introduced non-native grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). Journal of Zoology, London 246, 443-445.

Fitzgibbon, C.D., 1993. The distribution of grey squirrel dreys in farm woodland: the influence of wood area, isolation and management. Journal of Applied Ecology 30, 736-742.

Genovesi, P., 2005. Eradications of invasive alien species in Europe: a review. Biological Invasions 7, 127-133.

Genovesi, P., Bacher, S., Kobelt, M., Pascal, M., Scalera, R., 2009. Alien mammals of Europe. pp. 119-128 In DAISIE (ed), Handbook of alien species in Europe, Springer, Berlin.

Genovesi, P., Bertolino, S., 2001. Human dimension aspects in invasive alien species issues: the case of the failure of the grey squirrel eradication project in Italy. pp. 113-119, In J.A. McNeely (ed), The Great Reshuffling: Human Dimensions of Invasive Alien Species. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge.

Gurnell, J., 1989. Demographic implications for the control of grey squirrel. pp. 131-143, In R.J. Putman (ed.), Mammals as Pests. Chapman and Hall.

Gurnell, J., 1996. The effects of food availability and winter weather on the dynamics of a grey squirrel population in southern England. Journal of Applied Ecology 33, 325-338.

Gurnell, J., Rushton, S.P., Lurz, P.W.W., Sainsbury, A.W., Nettleton, P., Shirley, M.D.F., Bruemmer, C., Geddes, N., 2006. Squirrel poxvirus: Landscape scale strategies for managing disease threat. Biological Conservation 131, 287-295.

Gurnell, J., Wauters, L.A., Lurz, P.W.W., Tosi, G., 2004. Alien species and interspecific competition: effects of introduced eastern grey squirrels on red squirrel population dynamics. Journal of Animal Ecology 73, 26–35.

Hewson, C.M., Fuller, R.J., 2003. Impacts of grey squirrels on woodland birds: an important predator of eggs and young? BTO Research Report 328.

Huxley, L., 2003. Profile of an invasive alien species. Grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). The grey squirrel review, UK.

Kenward, R.E., 1983. The causes of damage by red and grey squirrels. Mammal Review 13, 159-166.

Kenward, R.E., 1989. Bark-stripping by grey squirrels in Britain and North America: why does the damage differ? pp. 144–154, In: R.J. Putman (ed), Mammals as Pests. Chapman and Hall.

Keymer, I.F., 1983. Diseases of squirrels in Britain. Mammal Review 13, 155-158.

Koprowski, J.L., 1994. Sciurus carolinensis. Mammalian species 480, 1-9.

Koprowski, J.L., 2005. The response of tree squirrels to fragmentation: a review and synthesis. Animal Conservation 8, 369-376.

Lawton, C., 2003. Controlling grey squirrel damage in Irish broadleaved woodlands. Silviculture / Management 7.

Lawton, C., Rochford, J., 2007. The recovery of grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) populations after intensive control programmes. Biology and Environment 107B, 19-29.

Lurz, P.W.W., Rushton, S.P., Wauters, L.A., Bertolino, S., Currado, I., Mazzoglio, P., Shirley, M.D.F., 2001. Predicting grey squirrel expansion in North Italy: a spatially explicit modelling approach. Landscape Ecology 16, 407-420.

Martinoli, A., Bertolino, S., Preatoni, D., Balduzzi, A., Marsan, A., Genovesi, P., Tosi, G., Wauters, L.A., 2010. Headcount 2010: the multiplication of the grey squirrel introduced in Italy. Hystrix It. J. Mamm. 21, 127-136.

McRobie, H., Thomas, A., Kelly, J., 2009. The genetic basis of melanism in the gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). Journal of Heredity 100, 709-714.

Middleton, A.D., 1930. The ecology of the American grey squirrel in the British Isles. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 809-843.

Mitchell-Jones, A.J., Amori, G., Bogdanowicz, W., Krystufek, B., 1999. The atlas of European mammals, In Les Mammifères de France et du Benelux. Academic Press, Doin, Paris.

Okubo, A., Maini, P.K., Williamson, M.H., Murray, J.D., 1989. On the spatial spread of the grey squirrel in Britain. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 238, 113-125

Pereira, M.E., Aines, J., Scheckter, J.L., 2002. Tactics of heterothermy in eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis). Journal of Mammalogy 83, 467-477.

Rayden, T.J., Savill, P.S., 2004. Damage to beech woodlands in the Chilterns by the grey squirrel. Forestry 77.

Romeo C., Ferrari N., Lanfranchi P. et al (2015) Biodiversity threats from outside to inside: effects of alien grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) on helminth community of native red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris). Parasitol. Res., 114:2621–2628.

Roméo, C., Wauters, L.A., Ferrari, N., Lanfranchi, P., Martinoli, A, et al. (2014) Macroparasite fauna of alien grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis): composition, variability and implications for native species. PLoS ONE 9(2): e88002.

Signorile, A.L., Evans, J., 2007. Damage caused by the American grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis ) to agricultural crops, poplar plantations and semi-natural woodland in Piedmont, Italy. Forestry 80.

Steele, M.A., Koprowski, J.L., 2001. North America tree squirrels. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington and London.

Tattoni, C., Preatoni, D.G., Lurz, P.W.W., Rushton, S.P., Tosi, G., Bertolino, S., Martinoli, A., Wauters, L.A., 2006. Modelling the expansion of a grey squirrel population: implications for squirrel control. Biological Invasions 8, 1605-1619.

Tattoni, C., Preatoni, D.G., Lurz, P.W.W., Rushton, S.P., Tosi, G., Bertolino, S., Wauters, L.A., 2005. Using GRASS and spatial explicit population dynamics modelling as a conservation tool to manage grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in Northern Italy. International Journal of Geoinformatics 1, 71-77.

Tattoni, C., Preatoni, D.G., Martinoli, A., Bertolino, S., Wauters, L.A., 2005. Application of modelling techniques to manage a population of grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) in Lombardy, northern Italy, and analysis of parameters estimates used in simulations. Hystrix It. J. Mamm. 16, 99-112.

Usher, M.B., J.Crawford, T., Banwell, J.L., 1992. An American invasion of Great Britain : the case of the native and alien squirrel. Conservation Biology 6, 108-115.